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Beyond Incrementality - Website Banner Campaign Site.png

Beyond Incrementality eBook

Why Marginal ROI is the New Metric for Elite Marketers

At LiftLab, we believe that marketers who can equip themselves with reinforced learning, financial acumen, and defensible insights to directly relate marketing’s impact to revenue will become a trusted conduit for driving strategic investment decisions.  


To do this, marketers need to move beyond simple attribution and incrementality to maximize their ROI and forecast where to invest along their portfolio of tactics, campaigns, and channels. 


The eBook gets you started in understanding:


  • The differences between attribution, incrementality, and marginality

  • How to think about moving to Marginal ROI as your “North Star” marketing KPI

  • How Marginal ROI helps you better forecast your spending and tune it to drive growth and profitability for your company.


Join us on the path to Marginal ROI and move Beyond Incrementality.  

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Our gift to you, no gating or info required!

"We were measuring incrementality, but to optimize our media spend, we needed both a single comprehensive view of our performance as well as a means to estimate the marginal profitability of our last dollar spent. LiftLab was the only vendor that offered this, along with a way to combine the MMM results with the findings from our ongoing testing. We can now optimize our budget by shifting spend to channels with higher marginal profitability, resulting in top-level improvements to spend efficiency as well."

Jeff Rosenfeld

SVP of Digital and Customer Experience, Cinemark 


The Science of Marketing Effectiveness

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